CHURCH OF YAH    Radio Shows


January 6 - Prisoners Freed!  1/21/25

3 Year Update. January 9, 2025 

Polio Vaccine is poison. - Update 8.31.2024 

2 1/2 Years into Times-of Trouble - Update 8.10.2024 

Bird Flu Away. 5.27.2024 

Alef Tav Eclipse 4.8.24 

JANUARY 6, Past, Present, Future. 1.6.24 

For those who are about to Die. 10.2.23 

Know Dad and His Plan Better.  9.3.23

Hug Yah, with your family.  8.3.23

 Happy Dad's Day! YHVH Day too! 6.18.23

Overview of Yah's Plan  6.17.23

Enoch Our End-Time Prophet.  5.15.23 

Yah's Holy Days.  4.1.23

How to Get to Yah's Kingdom. Current Events. 3.13.23

What will Yah's Kingdom be like? 12.11.22

Is USA End-Time Babylon? 12.10.22

Malachi, Yah's messenger for OUR time. 12.1.22

Ten Comandments! 10.2.22

Feast of Trumpets. 10.1.22

Yah's Gift of Water (Part 2) 8.25.22

Yah's Gift of Water.  8.20.22

Yah's Timing. 8.11.22

Getting to Yah's Kingdom. 7.26.22

Dad's name is Yah! 7.14.22

Church of Yah Radio Show #1.  7.2.22  \o/